1974 Pant Suit Pattern

1974 Pant Suit Pattern

Sewing patterns can provide an interdisciplinary focus for social studies topics – the history of women and average people; revolutions in industry, technology, and communication; and economic trends such as globalization. Clothing patterns can be used as primary sources in elementary, middle and secondary classrooms.

3 thoughts on “1974 Pant Suit Pattern

  1. I would use this in a middle grades classroom by comparing this to picture of women in other decades and eras to show students characteristics about the culture at the time. I really like the idea of showing students how changing fashion reflects bigger trends from the past like changing technology.

  2. I want to use images like this for compare and contrast activities. Students can compare/contrast clothing, culture, and characteristics of the model and clothing from the time period to the 21st century. This would give students an understanding of how culture and views can change over time.

  3. Primary sources like this could help students see about how jobs, especially women’s jobs and the economy has changed over time. Most of my elementary students probably don’t even know that people can sew their own clothing. We might even have a short hands-on sewing lesson.

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