Tree stone in Bellevue Cemetery, Danville, Kentucky

Tree Stones in American Cemeteries

Tree stones are unique grave markers popular from the 1850s until the 1920s and 1930s. As with most funeral monuments, tree stones may represent an individual, family, or the wider culture and trends of the era. Tree stones also represent shifts in the funeral industry caused by the Industrial Revolution. Select the images for a … Continue reading Tree Stones in American Cemeteries

Whittle Springs Hotel, Knoxville, TN

Old Postcards: Messages about the Past

Old picture postcards are primary source records of places. Postcards document the natural landscape as well as the built environment- buildings, gardens, parks, cemeteries, and tourist sites. Postcards also commemorate major events, popular humor, and many other aspects of daily life – transportation, entertainment, sports, work, religion, or advertising. Collectors and all types of historians … Continue reading Old Postcards: Messages about the Past