Heritage tourism in the 1950s

Heritage tourism in the 1950s. Tour of the U.S. Supreme Court Building (used 1791-1800) at the Independence National Historical park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Heritage tourism, travel to cultural, historical, or natural sites to experience and learn about American history, was a popular choice for American family vacations after World War II.
Photo by Paul J. Schumacher, 1955, Catalog Number: HPC-001024. (Courtesy of National Park Service History Collection.)

This image is featured in Exploring Vacation and Etiquette Themes in Social Studies by Cynthia Resor

2 thoughts on “Heritage tourism in the 1950s

  1. This primary source image would be perfect for teaching a lesson on comparison in my 5th grade classroom. For example, I could ask students to compare themselves to one of the students in the photo. The students can compare how attire has changed for students in 70 years and we can also discuss details about the U.S. Supreme Court.

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