Dating at Coney Island, c. 1903.

A Couple at Coney Island, c. 1903. In the late 1800s, young urban women began going on unchaperoned dates to dance halls, amusement parks, and other public amusements instead of following the middle and upper class rules of courtship.
Detroit Publishing Co. South end of Bowery, Coney Island, N.Y. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

This image is featured in Exploring Vacation and Etiquette Themes in Social Studies by Cynthia Resor

One thought on “Dating at Coney Island, c. 1903.

  1. I like this image because I am from Cincinnati, Ohio and we have a Coney Island. Although this is from Coney Island, New York, our Coney Island is an old amusement park also. I think this is so cool as I could use this to teach a place-based lesson that connects my community to American history.

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