Hearth Baking in early America: Lettice Bryan’s Washington’s Cake

Before the 1800s, baking in most homes was a challenge. As far back as ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, most people purchased baked products, mainly breads, from a professional baker. Only the wealthiest households had wood-fired enclosed ovens. Other daily home cooking was done on an open fire.  Sweet baked goods like cake and … Continue reading Hearth Baking in early America: Lettice Bryan’s Washington’s Cake

Tree stone in Bellevue Cemetery, Danville, Kentucky

Tree Stones in American Cemeteries

Tree stones are unique grave markers popular from the 1850s until the 1920s and 1930s. As with most funeral monuments, tree stones may represent an individual, family, or the wider culture and trends of the era. Tree stones also represent shifts in the funeral industry caused by the Industrial Revolution. Select the images for a … Continue reading Tree Stones in American Cemeteries

Solving the Girl Problem with Wholesome Vacations

By the late 19th century, summer vacations were a routine part of the lives of many people in the upper and middle classes. Time in the country, at the seashore, or at a resort was viewed as a healthful and restorative experience. However, extended vacations were out of reach of most people in the working … Continue reading Solving the Girl Problem with Wholesome Vacations

Almanacs: Information before the Internet

Almanacs were a popular and handy reference for information and entertainment centuries before internet search engines, calendar apps, YouTube, blogs, and Google Maps. And like the internet, almanacs also informed us about new products and services through advertising and promotional articles. Select the images for a larger view and more information. At the heart of … Continue reading Almanacs: Information before the Internet

The Delineator, by the Butterick Publishing Company, promoted sewing patterns for the home seamstress.

Dress Patterns: A Fashion Revolution

Clothing patterns from the past century reflect changing fashion – from long, ruffled hemlines to mini-skirts, corseted waists to pant suits, pinafores to prom dresses. Vintage clothing patterns also tell the story of changing technology, communication, and transportation. Dress making before the 1850s Before the mid 19th century, average American women sewed their own clothing by hand. The … Continue reading Dress Patterns: A Fashion Revolution