Almanacs: Information before the Internet

Almanacs were a popular and handy reference for information and entertainment centuries before internet search engines, calendar apps, YouTube, blogs, and Google Maps. And like the internet, almanacs also informed us about new products and services through advertising and promotional articles. Select the images for a larger view and more information. At the heart of … Continue reading Almanacs: Information before the Internet

Page from the late 19th century scrapbook of French Tipton (1848-1900), Madison County, Kentucky newspaper editor, judge, and journalist.

Scrapbooks: Comparing 19th century primary sources to 21st social media

Scrapbooks are stories created from re-purposed media and ephemera of the era. Historical scrapbooks are also primary sources for the classroom. Students analyze texts and images to more about daily life in the past and compare them to modern digital scrapbooking on social media (Facebook, Pinterest, or blogs) A short history of scrapbooks “Our life … Continue reading Scrapbooks: Comparing 19th century primary sources to 21st social media

Bad Manners, different behavior for males and females

Classroom Manners: Analyzing behavior with primary sources

Civil behavior is required for civil society and a civil classroom. Web articles about why, how, and where children and young adults should learn manners are common. But can lessons on polite behavior in the classroom mask important truths that should be addressed rather than concealed? A common classroom rule is “Show respect to others.”  But … Continue reading Classroom Manners: Analyzing behavior with primary sources